Baneto Showcase


In this video you can see the primal version of Baneto on first releases. Over years Baneto has progressed a lot and giving you a freedom based on your play style, farm style, PvE - PVP style.


In this video you can see the primal version of Baneto on first releases. Over years Baneto has progressed a lot and giving you a freedom based on your play style, farm style, PvE - PVP style.


In this video you can see how Baneto performs for Dragonflight / Dragonriding *( music is intentionally picked to salute notepadman xD ) .*


In reply to !gabouche

To sum up everything valued botters these are not cool videos either edited content. I'm aware of that. Recently many new bloods have joined us who has no idea about the botting so far. This is the tip of the iceberg. With this product you can join our sides and discover a new ways of enjoying the game, starting a side hustle or enjoy it like a small hobby. If you have any other questions about the botting either bot programs itself please don't hesitate the make a ticket / DM me.

Happy botting,

