Begginer Sosa script for Hydra/Orb?


New member
Is Hydra/Orb valid for lvl 8x sosa or just Blizz/Meteor better? I do not have yet CTA or merc with infinity.


I'd personally reccomend blizzard/hydra build with insight merc. works perfect, you can do anything except for CS.
Wouldn't reccomend CS at all with this bot yet, as it teleports you directly into Seis :D If you are not playing HC all fine.


New member
My sorc clear CS no proplem. No infinity i don’t use hydra/orb tho. You need to change you’re settings for safecast/radius and repositioning to not tele into seis.


safecast/radius repositioning does not work on approaching seis. it first teleports into seis (old kolbot hammerdin script obsly) and THEN realizes it should reposition.
So u FIRST get kicked in the face and THEN it applies safecast/repositioning.

that's my whole point here .)


New member
Hmm how to setup lua properly for Blizz and Hydra?
Countess is cold immune and if I setup to use Hydra, it will be always used for not fire immune monster as I can see and because of that I have problem with countes:

Config.AttackSkill = {
-1, -- Preattack skill
59, -- Primary skill for bosses
45, -- Primary untimed skill for bosses. Use -1 if above skill is an untimed skill
59, -- Primary skill for other monsters
59, -- Primary untimed skill for other monsters. Use -1 if above skill is an untimed skill
62, -- Alternate skill for immune monsters
-1, -- Alternate untimed skill for immune monsters. Use -1 if above skill is an untimed skill

Config.Sorceress.UseHydra = false -- Set to true to use hydra, your untimed skill will be replaced by hydra if the target is not fire immune and you don't have 6 hydra in range of the target.
Config.Sorceress.HydraClearType = 0x7 -- What kind of monsters to use hydra on. [0x0 = all | 0x7 = champion + unique + boss | 0xF = unique + boss]

if I enable Hydra, she will cast on Hydra on countess for some reason.


New member
Hydra is untimed. U have to switch the 62 and -1
AND u have to disable Config.SkipImmune
Soo it should look like this?

Config.AttackSkill = {
-1, -- Preattack skill
59, -- Primary skill for bosses
45, -- Primary untimed skill for bosses. Use -1 if above skill is an untimed skill
59, -- Primary skill for other monsters
59, -- Primary untimed skill for other monsters. Use -1 if above skill is an untimed skill
-1, -- Alternate skill for immune monsters
62, -- Alternate untimed skill for immune monsters. Use -1 if above skill is an untimed skill


New member
Ok, I've corrected this but my merc is dying so I need to upgrade some gear I guess. I'm at lvl 83 currently. Any tips?
Fortitude + Andy + Insight in Tresher should help I guess. Im


you can edit the Merc Potion settings accordingly first.

-- #### Potion Settings ####
-- ** HC Settings **
Config.UseHP = 85 -- Drink a healing potion if life is under designated percent.
Config.UseRejuvHP = 60 -- Drink a rejuvenation potion if life is under designated percent.
Config.UseMP = 15 -- Drink a mana potion if mana is under designated percent.
Config.UseRejuvMP = 0 -- Drink a rejuvenation potion if mana is under designated percent.
Config.UseMercHP = 75 -- Give a healing potion to your merc if his/her life is under designated percent.
Config.UseMercRejuv = 30 -- Give a rejuvenation potion to your merc if his/her life is under designated percent.


New member
Can someone share their attack config for Travincal? If I enable hydra, then hydra is used also on all no fire immune monsters and there are some in travi which I kill much faster with either blizzard or ice bite.


Staff member
Can someone share their attack config for Travincal? If I enable hydra, then hydra is used also on all no fire immune monsters and there are some in travi which I kill much faster with either blizzard or ice bite.
Dude, should just make a hdin. Lol it does everything very efficiently, besides Baal. But Baal takes a lot of time n not worth it.

I am running hardcore hdin and it is bar none the most efficient farmer all around.