Custom Monster ID attacks

Looking to do a custom attack to these guys but cannot locate them in the monsters txt.
What is there Monster ID # for:
Lord de seis - chaos
Infector - Chaos
Lister tormentor - Throne

[243] = {97, 122}, --Diablo Smite & Fanat
--[] = {97, 122}, --Lord de seis chaos Smite & Fanat
--[] = {97, 122}, --infector of souls chaos Smite & Fanat
--[] = {97, 122}, --lister tormentor throne Smite & Fanat
[526] = {97, 122}, --Nith Smite & Fanat
[544] = {97, 122}, --Baal Smite & Fanat
[333] = {97, 122}, --dclone Smite & Fanat
--[670] = { 101, 113 }, -- unravler9
--[105] = { 101, 113 }, -- unravler5
--[381] = { 112, 113 }, -- skmage_cold

These are the wave 2 magic immunes in A5 throne.
Maybe someone can help me point out A4 chaos monsters.


Staff member
--[670] = { 101, 113 }, -- unravler9
--[105] = { 101, 113 }, -- unravler5
--[381] = { 112, 113 }, -- skmage_cold

These are the wave 2 magic immunes in A5 throne.
Maybe someone can help me point out A4 chaos monsters.
Ty for the wave2!

I would think Lister would fall under this category after reviewing monsters docu

minion1 453
minion2 454
minion3 455
minion4 456
minion5 457
minion6 458
minion7 459
minion8 460


venomlord 558

for infector, wave4 baal i would think. No other names ring a bell for me. As far as De Seis...thats tough lol


Active member
Staff member
De Seis is oblivion knight but no can make custom for just de seis it is do for all oblivion knight
De Seis is oblivion knight but no can make custom for just de seis it is do for all oblivion knight
--[310] = {97, 122}, --Doom Knight 1 chaos Smite & Fanat
--[311] = {97, 122}, --Doom Knight 2 chaos Smite & Fanat
--[312] = {97, 122}, --Doom Knight 3 chaos Smite & Fanat

--[558] = {97, 122}, --Venom Lord chaos Smite & Fanat

--[453] = {97, 122}, --minion 1 chaos Smite & Fanat
--[454] = {97, 122}, --minion 2 chaos Smite & Fanat
--[455] = {97, 122}, --minion 3 chaos Smite & Fanat
--[456] = {97, 122}, --minion 4 chaos Smite & Fanat
--[457] = {97, 122}, --minion 5 chaos Smite & Fanat
--[458] = {97, 122}, --minion 6 chaos Smite & Fanat
--[459] = {97, 122}, --minion 7 chaos Smite & Fanat
--[460] = {97, 122}, --minion 8 chaos Smite & Fanat

ill try these and see which one exactly, if it changes anything, etc.


New member
But how do you deal with the skeletons that those guys summon? my pala just stands there with concentration aura, which those skelies keeps freezing my merc.
--[670] = { 101, 113 }, -- unravler9
--[105] = { 101, 113 }, -- unravler5

maybe just use these commands instead.
That way pally will still hammer skeletons.
Or try FOH on unravelers for a splash holy bolt.
De Seis is oblivion knight but no can make custom for just de seis it is do for all oblivion knight

so the below code didnt work for custom attacks where needed, it is currently not enabled.
Reason for doign this is sometimes paladin thinks it finishes chaos seals but didnt due to an immune.
Config.Scripts.FastDiablo.Enabled             = true
Config.Scripts.FastDiablo.LastSealID        = true

I noticed using smite and fanaticism ensure that these monster will be slain but it is risky.
So tried to setup a custom attack to always use FOH on Lord De seis (or like monsters; doom knight) & Tormentor (or like monsters; venom lord).
It seems the alternate skill for immune monsters is overriding the custom attack.
Custom Attack should override alternate attack, no?

Config.AttackSkill = {
-1, -- Preattack skill
121, -- Primary skill for bosses
123, -- Primary untimed skill for bosses. Use -1 if above skill is an untimed skill
101, -- Primary skill for other monsters
123, -- Primary untimed skill for other monsters. Use -1 if above skill is an untimed skill
97, -- Alternate skill for immune monsters
122, -- Alternate untimed skill for immune monsters. Use -1 if above skill is an untimed skill

--[[ #### Custom Attack Setting ####
Allows custom skills to be used on custom monsters. See _monsters.txt for monster IDs
Format: [ID] = {timed skill id, untimed skill id}
Example: [156] = {38, -1} -- use Charged Bolt on Andariel ]]--
Config.CustomAttack = {
--[310] = {121, 123}, --Doom Knight 1 chaos FOH & Conv Seal 3
--[311] = {121, 123}, --Doom Knight 2 chaos FOH & Conv Seal 3
--[312] = {121, 123}, --Doom Knight 3 chaos FOH & Conv Seal 3
--[558] = {121, 123}, --Venom Lord chaos FOH & Conv seal 4&5
[243] = {97, 122}, --Diablo Smite & Fanat
--[453] = {97, 122}, --minion 1 chaos Smite & Fanat
--[454] = {97, 122}, --minion 2 chaos Smite & Fanat
--[455] = {97, 122}, --minion 3 chaos Smite & Fanat
--[456] = {97, 122}, --minion 4 chaos Smite & Fanat
--[457] = {97, 122}, --minion 5 chaos Smite & Fanat
--[458] = {97, 122}, --minion 6 chaos Smite & Fanat
--[459] = {97, 122}, --minion 7 chaos Smite & Fanat
--[460] = {97, 122}, --minion 8 chaos Smite & Fanat
[526] = {97, 122}, --Nith Smite & Fanat
[544] = {97, 122}, --Baal Smite & Fanat
[333] = {97, 122}, --dclone Smite & Fanat


New member
--[670] = { 101, 113 }, -- unravler9
--[105] = { 101, 113 }, -- unravler5

maybe just use these commands instead.
That way pally will still hammer skeletons.
Or try FOH on unravelers for a splash holy bolt.

I've tried holy bot with conc aura, but it seems less efficient than smit + fanta aura