

# Testers Needed
I made two plugins, both hook into TSM to use its functionality to do things. The first uses TSM to sell groups and sell trash, the other uses TSM to mail groups. It mails/sells whatever groups you have selected in the respective Groups window. PM me and I'll add you to the allowed users list. MODIFIES YOUR TSM ADDON

If you don't know what TSM Groups are and what they enable you to do, they're wonderful. Basically you can add different items to different groups, then set up different mail targets and amounts to keep in inventory for each group. So if you want your ore going to one character and herbs going to another, you can do that. Or if you want to sell all of your water over 20, etc.

Got a lead on how to do the patching from within the plugin, should be updated with that later today.

Patchers done! The plugin now checks if your TSM has been patched and, if it hasn't been, patches it for you and reloads. If it doesn't automatically reload you will need to reload manually (I have an addon that blocks Baneto from reloading, you probably don't)


if you manage to make more than five dungeon entries in an hour. And you hit an invisible wall when trying to enter. I made a plugin that allows you to exit the game world. And restart. This will improve your situation a bit. Tested only once ( exiting the world with two or more unstuck )
Hope you all doing great ❤️
Here's new free plugin called **AutoInterrubt**

What it will do ?
It will cast Interrubt Spells of all classes listed below if **target cast** or **target channeling** is **interruptible** (Good for who run NoRotation for achievement runs like gundrak, This plugin has fastest Interrubt Possible)

Rogue: Kick


Small plugin to delete items matching a Lua pattern from your inventory:
if not Kmo then
Kmo = {}

Kmo.deletePatterns = {}

tinsert(Kmo.deletePatterns, 'Frozen Armor')
tinsert(Kmo.deletePatterns, 'Frigid Mail.*')
tinsert(Kmo.deletePatterns, 'Scroll of %a VII')

for bagId=0,5 do
local numSlots = C_Container.GetContainerNumSlots(bagId)
for slot=1,numSlots do
local itemInfo = C_Container.GetContainerItemInfo(bagId, slot)
if itemInfo then
local itemName = C_Item.GetItemNameByID(itemInfo.itemID)
for i, v in ipairs(Kmo.deletePatterns) do
if string.find(itemName, v) then
To add your own patterns, add a line in the block that has `tinsert(Kmo.deletePatterns...` of the format: `tinsert(Kmo.deletePatterns, '<pattern>')`


No longer do you have to add each piece of that stupid grey armor to your inventory blacklist! Now just add `'Frigid Mail .*'`!


Even NEWER version of Discord Death Recap! Now logs the last 5 Baneto states as well as the last 10 combat log messages where you are the target. Nicer formatting in both the log and Discord. It clears the combat log at the end of combat, might change it to clear when the character is out of combat AND above your regen threshold... The way it works it has to go into combat before it will clear the log, so you will still be notified for things like environmental deaths that don't trigger combat.
Also available on the store fo fwee!
(I think it's updated on the store now, but if it isn't just lmk)
Now it's time to repair my gear, I should've done this naked 😛