

We are still looking for highly motivated individuals with enough spare time to dedicate themselves to daily contribute to GTBot Profile Development.
This includes but is not limited to:
Developing Quest Profiles for both Wotlk Classic


-Building FakeRotations Documentation (Detailed explanation of each function available within rotations)
-Building Marketing Material, mostly videos and screenshots of Rotations
-Building pre-made profiles that will work well for each class out of box with some instructions on how to handle pre-made profiles for FR

2 x GTBot Lifetime license
(This can be easily sold if user does not require it)
100$ in crypto upon completion

-Building DungeonCrawler Documentation (Detailed explanation of each function available within DC)
-Building Marketing Material, mostly videos of dungeon runs
-Building instructions for each and every profile for DungeonCrawler, this includes requirements for each run and configs within bot itself

3 x GTBot Lifetime license
(This can be easily sold if user does not require it)
200$ in crypto upon completion

-Building GTBot Documentation (Detailed explanation of each function available within GTBot)
-Building Marketing Material, mostly videos of of GTBot Running
-Building Grinding Profiles for GTBot for wotlk and era realms (both factions)
-Building Gathering Profiles for GTBot for wotlk and era realms (both factions)
-Building Reputation grind Profiles for GTBot for wotlk and era realms (both factions)
-Building Dungeon Profiles for GTBot

6 x GTBot Lifetime Licenses (one for each step)
200$ in crypto upon completion.```


-Building GTBot Documentation (Detailed explanation of each function available within GTBot)
-Building Marketing Material, mostly videos of of GTBot Running
-Building 100% afk-able and automated Grinding Profiles for GTBot for wotlk and era realms (from learning the skill to maxing it out)(both factions)
-Building 100% afk-able and automated Gathering Profiles for GTBot for wotlk and era realms (from learning the skill to maxing it out)(both factions)
-Building 100% afk-able and automated Quest profiles for for GTBot wotlk and era realms (both factions) (This includes automating 1-60 or 1-80 fully through questing, including all weapon skills training and mount training)

20 x GTBot Lifetime licenses
1000$ in crypto upon completion split between people working on GTBot development by their contribution```



Today is a new day for the GT community <:godtools:1167467966972051496>

We added new security products to our store.
Now on top of Turkish accounts we also offer:

# - Proxies
Socks 5 proxies allow you to safely change your virtual location (kinda like a better vpn, but way more suited for botting)
It is a dedicated IP address that is perfect for botting.
Available locations:
Turkey, USA, Germany, UK
To complete the combo:
# - VMware configs
VMware configs allow your virtual machine to look exactly like a physical computer, with changed hwid (which makes an account completely normal looking, even when run through a VM)

These 2 products allow you to separate your bots so that if/when one gets reported and banned, the other ones stay completely safe.

# - Dedicated server for botting
We offer 3 options:
- Starter:
16GB RAM, Ryzen 4600G, Win 10/11, 100/20 MB DL/UL, Location: Turkey, 4GB VRAM, Supports 3-4 Wotlk sessions
- Advanced:
16GB RAM, Ryzen 5600G, Win 10/11, 100/20 MB DL/UL, Location: Turkey, 4GB VRAM, Supports 4-5 Wotlk sessions
- **Pro**:
32GB RAM, Ryzen 5600G, Win 10/11, 100/20 MB DL/UL, Location: Turkey, 4GB VRAM, Supports 5-8 Wotlk sessions

Purchase at 🍀


We are looking for resellers for site credits
PayPal is a must
Other payment methods are nice to have
Contact me and/or gtGod for further info thank you


Dear GT Members,

We are pleased to announce Christmas / New Years Price Drop 🎉

Promotion Includes **10% Off Base Price **on following products:

Windows Unlocker (GTLauncher)

Promotion will last till 6th of January.
New prices are already live on our site!

*Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays*.❤️ 🫶



In reply to Thoky

Admins are going afk for a day, there will be no deliveries until tomorrow late night or till 4th early morning, If you require support, please try and ask community within or spam <@155383427309240321>
GG and hny!🎉


Last chance to grab a pair of licenses at -10% discounted price!

The holiday sale is ending soon…

Hope you had a great time during the holidays! 🌲


We are putting on hold all gold --> $$ / credits buyouts, our buyer is afk, if there is any trusted member of godtools community that wishes to make some beer money from buying/selling gold through <#1179897342317580440> please reach out to us via <#1131274516060971052> or direct message.


@everyone it seems that our reseller has ran with 6-7 orders worth of paypal funds without delivering the credits. All pending credit deliveries will be handled today.


On the other note, we are introducing redeemable vouchers/coupons to our site, we'll be automating paypal resells for everyone's ease through third party provider. Eta on this new system of credits resell is 48hours. For everyone waiting on a reseller, stay tuned. 🙂