

New member
@everyone added Horde Leveling Quest Profiles untill level 58 (levels 54-58 still at test status)
In reply to pacokeks

@everyone Today we are celebrating reaching 500 users at the Discord!. Everyone that has an active sub. (not testing accounts) please email your username to or send me a direct message (not both please) and I will add 15 days to all your active botbases. Also, <@206452886761242634> wants to gives 15 days to all of his active profile subs. Enjoy and thanks for supporting us.
@everyone I added 15 days bonus to all active subs who sent me their usernamse. If anybody left out pls let me know, You can always check your subs in the library section of the website. There is still time for people who did not send me their usernames yet.
@everyone Bot is updated. Please note for the time being you must set the favorite mount in the game for the bot to work. If you are in a flyable area set a flying mount else set a ground mount as favorite.
@everyone Wotlk is now updated for 51943. Also, gonna add 48hrs to compensate for the downtime so send me your usernames! Hopefully loot issue that started from last patch also should have been fixed.


New member
@everyone added Horde Leveling Quest Profiles until level 60 and alliance Leveling Quest Profiles until level 30