

It's been almost two years since Vision became available to @everyone.

It's been a long and wonderful journey from a small service I made for myself and some friends that ran on a $1 virtual server and struggled to keep even a few characters online to the system that now handles up to 10k requests per minute with over 99% uptime and processes tens of gigabytes of data every day to give you all the info about what happens to your characters.

All this time I have kept Vision free for all users and I would very much like to keep it that way in the future.

However, as the number of users grows and new features are added, the server bills for Vision increase every month, so it becomes more and more difficult for me to support such a large project alone. Everything looks as if in order to keep Vision working, I will be forced to make it paid.

I'm still not entirely comfortable with this decision and hope to find other options, but so far I don't have any. For a while, Vision will remain free while I still have money to pay for the servers, but after that Vision will become paid to reduce the costs and finally add some new features that could not be implemented right now.

I thought it would be fair to write to you about this in advance and explain the reason for this. ❤️

If you want to support Vision and keep it free for as long as possible, you can donate some crypto to help me pay for the servers:
BTC: bc1qyq4juhf8kvt6lcg5hpvuv0mlsptqj9r89uhgzs
ETH: 0x7df3a1aD7E69cc20710A30C6ae2DdDff5888A5dD
XMR: 45dyKdDzMH5haeiAaq7ifJbQefBFbMw7VfeSh7roMNXgVsSVEzF1Md1LQVq6SJLezsBRy9Luz7JyT6HSHzenBv4oVCJggYe


Good news @everyone ! Vision is updated with a fix for tinkr. Please send me a DM if you still have any issues.


Improved website stability. It should no longer be unavailable for some users.
Fixed stability for HWT and GMR


Inventory should now be properly displayed on the website (/reload required for the changes to take effect)
Fixed wotlk maps display


It's been an exciting adventure, but today it officially comes to an end. For a long time now I have not been able to fully engage in the development and support of Vision and could only keep it in fairly working condition. However, time passed, the number of users grew, and the time and costs of even just maintaining Vision began to exceed my capabilities.

I considered different options on how to solve this, but unfortunately they all didn’t work. Therefore, as of today, **Vision servers are completely stopped.**

All the time Vision was working, one of the main tasks for me was to ensure the safety of your data, and I adhered to this principle to the end, so all data about characters, accounts, as well as logs and backups were deleted.

However, there is one more thing you should do yourself. **Make sure you have Vision disabled on all your characters.** This can be done using the `/tinkr vision` command if you are using tinkr, or in the bot settings if you are using third-party integrations. This will help ensure that your characters won't try to send any information to if something happens to the domain at some point.

This is probably my last announcement here.

Good luck on your adventures.
Sincerely yours, Est Est