Custom Script for Hydra on Cold Immune


New member
Yesterday (before the new forums came up) I made a post regarding an issue with Blizzard Sorc and Hydra use. When selecting true for "use hydra" because of the coding, if the mob wasn't fire immune - it used Hydra regardless if they were cold immune or not. This also meant that for bosses like Andy, Meph, and Pindle (who are not cold immune or fire immune), the bot automatically used Hydra instead of my main ability Blizzard.

JieGuan commented a new script for me to try and see if that fixed the issue, but I wasn't able to save it this morning before the new forums went into affect. Can I get that again?


New member
This is from my blizzhydra sorc config - It uses both blizzard (59) and hydra on Andy/Meph etc.

Note that setting 'UseHydra = True' overrides the untimed skill in Attack Settings (45 (Ice Blast) and 55 (Glacial Spike))

You can set HydraClearType to 0xF (I think default is 0x0 = all) to only use Hydra on bosses + uniques.

--[[ #### Attack Setting ####
--[[ #### Attack Setting ####
To disable an attack use -1.
Use the skill number for skill ID. See _skills.txt for skill IDs. EXAMPLE: Blizzard = 59.
You can set two kinds of spells: timed (blizzard, meteor) and untimed (fireball, chain lightning).
If you do not use timed spells, just use the untimed skill ID. ]]--
Config.AttackSkill = {
  -1, -- Preattack skill
  59, -- Primary skill for bosses
  45, -- Primary untimed skill for bosses. Use -1 if above skill is an untimed skill
  59, -- Primary skill for other monsters
  55, -- Primary untimed skill for other monsters. Use -1 if above skill is an untimed skill
  -1, -- Alternate skill for immune monsters
  -1, -- Alternate untimed skill for immune monsters. Use -1 if above skill is an untimed skill

Config.Sorceress.UseHydra       = true -- Set to true to use hydra, your untimed skill will be replaced by hydra if the target is not fire immune and you don't have 6 hydra in range of the target.
Config.Sorceress.HydraClearType = 0x0   -- What kind of monsters to use hydra on. [0x0 = all | 0x7 = champion + unique + boss | 0xF = unique + boss]


New member
Config.Sorceress.UseHydra       = true -- Set to true to use hydra, your untimed skill will be replaced by hydra if the target is not fire immune and you don't have 6 hydra in range of the target.
Config.Sorceress.HydraClearType = 0x0   -- What kind of monsters to use hydra on. [0x0 = all | 0x7 = champion + unique + boss | 0xF = unique + boss]
i dont have this code above in my scrip. think i could add it back?


New member
This is from my blizzhydra sorc config - It uses both blizzard (59) and hydra on Andy/Meph etc.

Note that setting 'UseHydra = True' overrides the untimed skill in Attack Settings (45 (Ice Blast) and 55 (Glacial Spike))

You can set HydraClearType to 0xF (I think default is 0x0 = all) to only use Hydra on bosses + uniques.

--[[ #### Attack Setting ####
--[[ #### Attack Setting ####
To disable an attack use -1.
Use the skill number for skill ID. See _skills.txt for skill IDs. EXAMPLE: Blizzard = 59.
You can set two kinds of spells: timed (blizzard, meteor) and untimed (fireball, chain lightning).
If you do not use timed spells, just use the untimed skill ID. ]]--
Config.AttackSkill = {
  -1, -- Preattack skill
  59, -- Primary skill for bosses
  45, -- Primary untimed skill for bosses. Use -1 if above skill is an untimed skill
  59, -- Primary skill for other monsters
  55, -- Primary untimed skill for other monsters. Use -1 if above skill is an untimed skill
  -1, -- Alternate skill for immune monsters
  -1, -- Alternate untimed skill for immune monsters. Use -1 if above skill is an untimed skill

Config.Sorceress.UseHydra       = true -- Set to true to use hydra, your untimed skill will be replaced by hydra if the target is not fire immune and you don't have 6 hydra in range of the target.
Config.Sorceress.HydraClearType = 0x0   -- What kind of monsters to use hydra on. [0x0 = all | 0x7 = champion + unique + boss | 0xF = unique + boss]
If you were to run Nihl, Eldritc, and Countress (were all these mobs are Frost immune) would the bot use Hydra or Blizzard, or nothing?


New member
If you were to run Nihl, Eldritc, and Countress (were all these mobs are Frost immune) would the bot use Hydra or Blizzard, or nothing?
Pretty sure it uses hydra as they're not fire immune. My sorc died a lot in Nila which I assumed was due to corpse explosion.

Test it and find out.


Active member
Staff member
i dont have this code above in my scrip. think i could add it back?

if you are not have this inside your configure this mean you are used old configure. If you are NOT get old configure error this is meaned you are put config.version for your configure so no support is give for this


New member
I added the usehydraconfig back to mine a while ago and it’s been working fine ever since.. knock on wood


i have the same problem, if i activate hydra TRUE, use hydra and no Blizz, if hydra is FALSE, use Blizz perfectly, but skills to inmune not work with hydra...

Is a bug?


guys just configure hydra as alternate UNTIMED skill for immunes and disable Config.Sorceress.UseHydra.
PLUS u need to disable Skip Immune with "cold".

Config.AttackSkill = {
-1, -- Preattack skill
59, -- Primary skill for bosses
45, -- Primary untimed skill for bosses. Use -1 if above skill is an untimed skill
59, -- Primary skill for other monsters
45, -- Primary untimed skill for other monsters. Use -1 if above skill is an untimed skill
-1, -- Alternate skill for immune monsters
62, -- Alternate untimed skill for immune monsters. Use -1 if above skill is an untimed skill
Config.SkipImmune = {
Config.Sorceress.UseHydra = false

Problem solved.