D2R Assistant Guide


Active member

**Enable Automatic Login**
- create a Shortcut of the Infinity.Mosquito.exe
- open the Properties
- add the following launch parameters to the **Target** line
```-acc.YourAccount -pw.YourPassword```
- to obtain **YourAccount** and **YourPassword** you simply pm <@867138476620513280> with the command **!p**


Active member
**First Launch Mosquito Setup**
- launch Infinity.Mosquito with your recently created Shortcut
-> always **Start as Administrator**
- if you see this its ready and waiting for command inputs
- set the D2R path where the D2R.exe is located
-> do it by typing in the command **config set diablo2resurrected_game_path "Y:/our/Path/To/D2R/Folder"**
-> hit **Enter**

- if you use D2R mods and need custom launch params you can set them up via
**config set diablo2resurrected_launch_params "-mod blah whatever"**


Active member
**We Will Launch D2R With Infinity.D2R Now**
- in Infinity.Mosquito Console type in **launch d2r** and hit enter
- D2R will launch and you will see the following in the Mosquito Console
- on top of your D2R instance you should see the main Infinity Menu Bar now
-> if this is not the case you might need to disable any other directx overlays from external apps like RivaTuner, NVIDIA overlays, Overwolf etc
-> if you still do not see it you can ask for help in <#922521819997671426> and provide the most recent log file from **Infinity/Logs/** folder
-> if the Bar flickers make sure VSync is disabled in game settings and mby also set the fps limit to 60


Active member
**How To Login With Your BNet Acc**
- for this we will use the **LoginManager** which is located in the top menu bar
- click on it and a new window will open up
- simply add the account or the accounts to the **LoginManager**
-> enter a **Name** how you wanna name the new entry
-> enter the account's mail in **Acc**
-> enter the password in **PW**
-> press the **Add** button
- the new added entry will show in the list below
- select your **REGION**
- press **Login** on the account you want to use
- the external application **BNETAutoLogin.exe** will start and do its thing, once it logged you into bnet services successfully it will automatically close and your D2R instance will bring you directly into the main menu


Active member
**First Time In A Game**
- select your char of choice and create a game
- click the **Log** button on top
- click the **ScriptManager** button on top
- the log and the scriptmanager should now be visible
-> if its the first launch there might be some download bar which indicates the download of the script pack
-> this can take up to a few minutes so just chill and let it do its job
- once everything is downloaded it should look like this
- to Start/Stop scripts you simply press the checkbox next to it
- for individual help for script setup you can ask in <#922521819997671426>


Active member
**Some General Hints And Parameters For Your D2R Instance**
- To Change Resolution or Mode of D2R you need to do it manually without Infinity.D2R running
- Any renders on top in Radar or whatever are currently optimized for 1920x1080
-> Windowed 1600x900 also works prty well
-> Any other Resolution or Aspect Ratio might offset the draws a bit so dont worry


Active member
**How Can I Hide The Infinity GUI**
- click the **Hotkeys** button on top and a new window will open up
- record keys and assign actions in the **HotkeyManager**
- an assigned hotkey combination for action **ToggleGUI** does let you hide/show the Infinity GUI