D2R Assistant Routines Profiles


I went through every single unique and ticked off the ones most likely to sell for forum gold for the first week, you're welcome:


Updated pickit list, previous one was selling items such as war travs and snowclash among others despite being enabled. Hoping this will fix the issue.
Note: Unique amulets and rings will remain unid'd. I don't want to risk bot selling a SOJ to test the theory.


Blizzard sorc update from me, this has me doing mephisto only runs in under 2 minutes with only a 3k dmg blizzard


New member
Skillprofile for a Energyshield Frostnova Sorc.
On melee he using Frostnova.
On Range he using Frostorb / Blizzard.


New member
Skill Manager Profile For Javazon

There's currently a bug that prevents repairs from refreshing the quantity of Titan's. What this profile does is:
1. Prioritize lightning strike for groups of 2 or more within melee range (5 yards)
2. Conserve the the quantity of javelins by limiting its use to groups of 4 or more between 5 - 15 yards *and* restricting lightning fury use after consuming half of your available javelins, (this makes it so that the diablo fight


New member
#hella_lazy but here is my half ass pickit. please improve custom ❤️ i have unique to mainly perfects, dnt keep alot of junk. if anyone super smart and wanna create an simple program to make our own pickit out of game that would be amazing