
**What it is?**
https://wow.vision is a site that allows you to see everything that is happening with your characters in the game in real time, as well as receive notifications in Discord, Telegram or Pushover about all important events (for example, whispers or that a character is stuck)

**How much does it cost?**
Right now it is 100% free.

**Does Vision increase the chance of being banned?**
Based on what is known about bans at the moment, Blizzard determines bots according to three criteria:
1. Based on the behavior of the player in the game
2. Based on reports from other players
3. Tracking suspicious activity on the system with Warden

1. Vision does not affect the first criterion because it does not control the character, but only collects information about what is happening.
2. At the same time, Vision helps to reduce the change of getting reports from other players with notifications and scenarios.
3. The third point depends entirely on the Unlocker you are using. Right now Tinkr is considered undetectable. If this changes, most likely everyone who uses them will get banned regardless of the use of Vision.

That is, Vision shouldn’t increase the chance of being banned, and in some cases it can significantly reduce the chance.
What are the requirements?**
To use wow.vision, you need one of the supported unlockers. Currently only Tinkr is supported. It is needed in order for the addon to make HTTP requests to the server. It is the only requirement.


**How to start?**
1. Register on the https://wow.vision/ website
2. Click on the Download button in the side menu to download the addon.
3. Put the contents of the archive in the Addons folder
4. Launch WoW with your unlocker
5. Make sure Vision addon is enabled

Right after entering the game, you should see your character on the https://wow.vision dashboard. If the character did not appear on the site or if there were any issues in the process, feel free to send me a message.

**How it works?**
wow.vision addon sends data about your character to the server. The server transforms this data, builds statistics on its basis, tracks important changes and visualizes all this on the dashboard

**What data is being sent to the server?**
The addon sends data about your character (server, name, class, level, current location, current health, experience, gold, current target), messages you receive (say and whisper), as well as data about other players around you.

Also, data about the bot that you are using can be sent (this data is not saved anywhere and is used only to display the settings of bots that have wow.vision support)

Vision does not access or transmit information about your computer, account or any other information not related to the game, nor does it save or track your IP address.


**Does wow.vision support Classic and TBC?**
Yes, all wow.vision features are available in Classic and TBC.

**Does it work in Retail?**
Yes, all wow.vision features are also available in Retail.

**How to configure notifications?**
To get started, go to https://wow.vision/settings and choose where you would like to receive notifications. After configuring, don't forget to click Save Settings and Send Test Notification to make sure everything is working correctly.
Next, on the https://wow.vision/actions page, you need to create a new Event (Events tab). For example, to receive message notifications, you need to specify Whisper in the Event field and specify any name in the Name field, such as ‘whisper’.
After that, go to the Scenarios tab, select the newly created Event and select Send Notification in the Type of Action field. Also make sure the Enabled checkbox is checked.