

New member
In reply to Gilwithcopium: [G'day. Just linked vision to GMR using hwt as the unlocker. Character shows but it's listed as Offline?]

That error was night now all is fine


New member
In reply to Andrew: [Any way to get inventory working]

1 for inventory would be nice for GMR, but still very nice 😉


New member
is there any documentation out there of what people like to have setup for alerts/triggers/etc? I built a few but curious what best practices or what others are doing


New member
In reply to Gibbs: [is there any documentation out there of what people like to have setup for alerts/triggers/etc? I built a few but curious what best practices or what others are doing]

I have dismount / hearth on stuck timers as well as notifications and quitgame if chars online for too long.

I wouldnt rely the notification system for anything, its beyond useless .. alerts come in many minutes late, if ur chars stuck and getting messages or some you wanna be on top of that real quick, not 5 mins later with 30 discord messages arriving in 1 dump.


New member
dev seems to be pretty dead so dont waste ur time asking for a webhook which literally every other program/integration uses.


New member
So not worth setting up maybe a situation to emote back or something automatically? I had webhook but stopped getting notifications with it not sure why but that's why I am trying wow vision


New member
Typing in
/tinkr vision 39mWKb8fQs7NfoMR4eC8szNve6wplZbg342UpBFDOWk66sJSIzaEqXvXHJAw0ACQ
And wow is just saying not reconized