GID Sub only


New member
Question here, please So For instance Raven frost. If I turn this off in Uniques. But have one setup in Advaced tab it will still loot them ?


New member
I ran it with the Items off in the Unique tab for a few hours and it found 0 uniques. So maybe just unlucky to find nearly perfect items. But I enabled all the Uniques tab items again and it looted Items under the advanced tab thresh hold.


New member
In reply to Disciple

<@180820858925875201> Will still loot raven ofc. Anything else would not make sense. How would your bot only stash raven 20dex if you wanted too?
<@968528828655878244> There are special advanced rules, it is mandatory for not running out of gold. I would either find and disable if you know what you're doing. Or edit them, change gold threshold. Or lastly disable gambling so you never reach the threshold


New member
New User here hi.
I started a new char with the gainlevel Profile. Is it normal that the bot closes the game every few minutes and starts a new one ? Maybe thats just at low level ?


Imported all files(from the import all folder) into the basic settings?(if you click on "basic settings" then you see in the new oponed window at the bottom the import buttons


New member
I paused the Windows Updates so it can stay 1909 but i can only pause it for 7 days in a row. Is there a better way to stop this? Or are These updates ok? Thanks