Memory Bot and MH Announcements



The last days have been pretty hard. We have spent a lot of time analyzing the current situation and discussion the future.
Heavy-hearted, we have decided not to pursue trying to work alongside EAC, so we will __not maintain Infinity.BDO for any region using EAC__.

With how the engine is currently built, trying to hide from EAC would require a significant rewrite and even then it would be a big cat and mouse game. We cannot be confident to provide the safe platform we want to deliver.
The decision to not fight EAC was a tough one for us. We just got the new navigation system to a workable state and we figured out the games action system. Development of new big features has started. However, providing a cheat that has a chance to get everybody banned at any moment in time, just by an update to EAC, just doesn't fit our philosophy.
It was a great run and you guys are the most amazing community!
**Infinity.BDO will be maintained for all non-EAC regions until either all regions get EAC or the cost of updating it once a week exceeds the money earned from the paying users.**
Effectively there won't be any feature updates to Infinity.BDO other than maintenance updates anymore.

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The last days have been pretty hard. We have spent a lot of time analyzing the current situation and discussion the future.
Heavy-hearted, we have decided not to pursue trying to work alongside EAC, so we will __not maintain Infinity.BDO for any region using EAC__.

With how the engine is currently built, trying to hide from EAC would require a significant rewrite and even then it would be a big cat and mouse game. We cannot be confident to provide the safe platform we want to deliver.
The decision to not fight EAC was a tough one for us. We just got the new navigation system to a workable state and we figured out the games action system. Development of new big features has started. However, providing a cheat that has a chance to get everybody banned at any moment in time, just by an update to EAC, just doesn't fit our philosophy.
It was a great run and you guys are the most amazing community!
**Infinity.BDO will be maintained for all non-EAC regions until either all regions get EAC or the cost of updating it once a week exceeds the money earned from the paying users.**
Effectively there won't be any feature updates to Infinity.BDO other than maintenance updates anymore.

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In reply to Reff

__***The Future***__
We are not done yet.

For now, we are going to focus our resources on Infinity.POE, while also exploring other options.
While very sad and taken aback by losing all the work put into BDO, the team has an optimistic view of the future.
We gathered a lot of experience and honed our skills working on Infinity.BDO and we are only getting better.
We are confident with our ability to provide a great product and we have to move on to other projects, we are in for the long haul!

Don't expect a new Infinity.XYZ product to pop up anytime too soon, as we want to focus on Infinity.POE.
We want to have enough features until the next PoE season and then try finding more long term users once we have the features to keep people around.
You can pm <@!247196369473896448> for a Infinity.POE trial license, even if you already had one in the past, if you were/are a Infinity.BDO customer.

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We have opened up a new chat <#810233764378443837> where we would be happy if all of you guys could answer the following questions:

1. What (MMORPG) game(s) do you play or have played where no existing cheating platform fulfils your need. What features would you expect from a platform for the game?
2. Would you check out a new MMORPG knowing that we are working on a product for it? Will you stick around in this discord even with Infinity.BDO being discontinued?
3. Do you guys value the closed community state and limited slots? Are you okay with a higher base price but lower member count (in the scale we did it for BDO with 100 slots and 40-55 euro per month for license) or would you prefer more users, but a cheaper price?
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Please be aware that none of these answers will directly impact a decision, but will of course shape our opinion on the subject.
If 90% of you spam the same game, we will, most likely, take a look at it AFTER we made progress on Infinity.POE, but it does not mean we will make a product for it. The questions are designed to help us get a more general understanding of our options and what markets there are rather than making a decision now.

When answering please indicate the question you are answering, for example: "1. I play XYZ [...]"

Thank you very much for your loyalty!

Kind regards,
**The Infinity Team**


In reply to robird

As some of you are already aware <@!188712989363404800> has been an essential part of the Infinity.PoE project, developing some of the most loved scripts. Today he is leaving us as a <@


Active member
Currently working on Infinity.D2R
Got some base stuff up and working alrdy and i will try to push it as soon as possible for you to use



Active member
Our Server Provider will move some equipment from wednesday 2nd of march 2022 till thursday 3rd of march 2022
**Which will cause our Infinity-Server and our Discord-Bot to be offline from
2nd of march ~21:00 CET until
3rd of march ~21:00 CET**


A little preview of the Infinity POE Bot, the video is captured from the point of view of follower mode with an aura bot. The other character is also running Kuduku, in map runner mode. There is no human input during the captured video!


Hi guys,

Our server provider, is currently undergoing a maintenance process. This involves moving our servers from one data centre to another. This move is scheduled to begin now and to occur overnight from October 19th to 20th, 2023.

During this process, the loader/engine will be temporarily offline. Once you see an announcement here it should be back online, or look for the <@867138476620513280> on the members list for online status.

We will update you as soon as the server migration has been successfully completed.

Thank you for your continued support!

Edit: Server migration is complete.


In reply to Reff

A casual reminder:

We do **NOT** charge for invites!
If you paid money to get an invite into this discord you have been scammed!
There is a 1 day trial for one of the base products automatically given to you once you join the discord, trials are also **NOT **charged for!

If you have been scammed, please contact <@247196369473896448>.

The only legit way to get a license is though <@247196369473896448> or the <@867138476620513280>!