Profile Reviews


In reply to OneZero

<@479242218264199181> Gave me excellent and extremely fast support for buying the unlocker. Their answer was almost instantly! They always surprise me with their very friendly and fast, dedicated help. Definitely the best guys out there. Also pumping a lot of good SOD content now, that I make much use of!


In reply to OneZero

I been a concurrent patron of OneZero for a while now, prolly a year or so... Tickets gets quick response, profiles are amazing and their reselling for NN


New member
In reply to OneZero

<@479242218264199181> 's profiles are just exquisite.
I bought the Horde Grinding 1-80 and am having a blast, they've got very good xp/h ratio compared to the free ones and very good pathing.
Also, even if there's some need for tweaking a profile, the attendance is very fast and precise, also very warming, I can only thank for the amazing service
I will sure buy the Gold_Farming one as soon as I get to lvl80


New member
In reply to OneZero

<@479242218264199181> OneZero 's Profiles and Rotation are great. I've used them in WOTLK and SOD, and can say that they won't let you down. I got the subscription because I wanted multiple profiles and it just made sense. The free 24hr trial will prove that. It was pretty easy to learn and get everything going. Would definitely recommend for anyone looking to try it.


New member
In reply to OneZero

<@479242218264199181> and team are one of the best active support teams out there, whenever i have a issue or notice a problem there more then willing to help you work out and narrow down the problem, the OneZero team as a whole are very open to customer opinion and all around bring good positive energy when working with them.
there profiles are top tier. would recommend to any newcomer.


New member
In reply to OneZero

<@479242218264199181> has went above and beyond with his work! 10/10 will continue to support his projects and refer him to all my buddies!


New member
In reply to OneZero

<@479242218264199181> Hi Im new to botting and i have to say Amazing Profil Pool. Easy to set up and a lot of Functions ! Support also Great, friendly and super fast any Time ! 10/10
In reply to OneZero

<@479242218264199181> Honest thoughts, Let me preface this by saying I'm a first time botter and kind of went into this having to learn everything. I feel like some of my issues could have been user error on my part, and not necesarily on them. With that said, my overall experience has been good, they have answered my tickets in a timely manner and have been pleasant each time. I have purchased the 1-25 alliance leveling/ gold profile, and also the hunter dps profile. I have only used the leveling profile, and Hunter Rotation so far at the time of writing this review. I could foresee myself giving them more of my buisness in the future.


New member
In reply to OneZero

The work of <@479242218264199181> and his team was awesome, i check in my own experience how they work and make awesome profiles for SoD (unique in my opinion), easy explained, easy to understand, to keep working more and more time together.


New member
In reply to OneZero

<@479242218264199181> has some nice farming profiles, ive tried some out and I am satisfied. Also when I have some questions or report any bugs he is very quick to respond and help (even if I fk up some settings he guide me through. Usually from my expirience having my questions within 30 mins solved. Also he picks up the suggestions about farming spots up, and if legit.. they include them within a day or 2 into the farming profiles. Overall; very helpful and fast. 👍


New member
In reply to Neuroxium

Use Profil from <@343367590564855808> Rogue and Warlock and it's FIre <a:fire:920621933781975051> If you have any questions, he is always on hand to answer them and help you, make adjustments or explain things! I can recommend it! Fair Price!


New member
In reply to OneZero

I've been testing the bot for a few weeks now, including the Pro version of <@479242218264199181> . I played SoD mainly. So this feedback only applies on SoD. Bot is easy to use and the profiles from OneZero are just two clicks away from beeing used and the grinding profiles are rly good in terms of gp/h . Friendly and helpful team. Always received a message after max. 20 minutes and problems were always solved.

all in all 5/5, would recommend. don't be afraid to ask the community, they are very nice or bambo/onzero, who are also very nice and helpful. BTW OneZero is rly patient 😄


New member
In reply to ROGER

Purchased a private profile from <@141664089398181888> - Not going to say anything specific about the profile, but so far it's been great and any issues I have had, Roger has been quick to support with. Would highly recommend him.
In reply to Neuroxium

Have tried out a few of the rotations that were out there. By far my favorite one was <@343367590564855808> . So much so that whenever I wanted to try out a new class I wanted his rotations. So I decided to pull the trigger and show my support by purchasing his SoD Rotation Pack. He has also always been helpful and quick to answer any questions I may have had, even the stupid ones, I look forward to see what else he creates.


Used the OneZero 1-25 human quest line for sod on my druid, i used another profile to get the starting of nelf area, then started using this profile on lvl 18 - and it worked flawlessy.


New member
In reply to JimmyRustle

<@259388438602711040> Used his 1-14 warrior guide and it was 90% afk, probably could have been higher because I'm new and paranoid, trains 2h and uses sod runes, the pathing is really nice too. Big thanks to him


In reply to JimmyRustle

<@259388438602711040> rep tested his profiles for NELF hunter Druid and rogue 1-13/14 a bit back. Had no issues basically was afk the whole time. After I implemented sunfire quickly into the Noro the Druid (had one weird non-reproducible stuck at the trainer think it was due to an addon) was running around 11-13k xp hr. Hunter was flawless with the feed pet plugin. And rogue was perfect. Think my Druid died more from me testing a quick noro than actually running his profile. Also rep on his free plugins for runes and talents for the community.