Safe D2R Bots available, Top Secret AIO WoW Questing Bots & EyeAuras Now Introducing Path of Exile Tools


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A Much Needed Announcement for upcoming and current updates of

So we have come to a somewhat of a crossroads and it is all uphill I and many others are quite happy to see that there is a safe d2r bot that is also providing extras for whoever paid also get bonus access to the auto muling/dropper bot that was previously announced as we slowly but surely integrate the cross site item database that is connected to the credits system -- you cross connect multiple item shops and marketplaces you will have not only the safest escrow marketplace but also the only automated item delivery systems with auto screenshot of items in the listings with searchable stats meaning the advanced item db based muling/dropper bot has some very neat d2r botting capabilities. I have been working overtime to earn my keep and your spots to bot with a SAFE D2R bot, while the d2rekt launcher serves as an actively updated bot and gives users the ability to avoid bans simply because of avoiding using discarded memory functions (Ban traps that maybe rumored to have caused bans amongst some d2r bots, but not all memory reading is bad and can be done safely)

New D2Rekt Bot has been updated to version 3.18 the update will be live soon and it is safe and some are even using 10 versions behind because the auto updating system is a custom d2rekt launcher for the AIO bot, if you are switching from jieguan let me know if you want multiple sessions as well we would appreciate if you can also be part of our new item muling/dropper bot being released to be a node in an automated item market -- serious botters only please more info about this below:

New d2r bots are being released that allow you to automate stashing /muling your items as part of being an item marketplace this is very unique and so for any serious item sellers that want to have access to this early as it also auto delivers your sales for you and credits you after the sale, we have new developer for this and are very happy to introduce this. If you are a developer and make cool products and want to list them on the marketplaces we are more than happy to collaborate, chances are you will enjoy the protection we can provide you as well. Many developers unsure of releasing their projects or software due to being reverse engineered, please contact us if you have this issue as Revamped a partner of ours does more than provide Cloud Computing Botting Solutions but also free consulting with developers to onboard more projects that have been thoroughly reviewed, meaning no bad apples.

New wow bots being introduced next week, does full questing for all classes and we can only provide access and not actual media or screenshot of this particular wow bot due to the strict development team that made it they have a member ID on display for the wow interface and I rather just let those who are serious about using it see for themselves why the price will be what it is at next week, current wow bot will work fine without any issues please let us know if you need a wow bot login if you don't have auto login working - we aim to streamline much of this as possible and that is why we will be publicizing further the cloud PC options for botting this means you can be on a macOS or Windows 11 or a chromebook - it doesn't matter and access the AIO Launcher and it's bots from your device.

A true automation Platform that is customizable to your liking, EyeAuras because this cheap tool does wonders for anything you can wrap your mind around. For starters path of pot etc

What is EyeAuras?

A very intriguing and advanced automation platform that by itself may feel you a bit confused as to what to do to get it to be an AI Tool, so I reached out to the developer and got him to release his Path of Exile EyeAuras auto potion and botting tools and translate them from Russian. The EyeAuras is sort of similar to an analogue version of WeakAuras WoW Addon that allows you to make some very cool things, as you may know the Owl Pixel Bot for WoW is using a WeakAuras custom setup, check out the videos below of the EyeAuras and we are glad to announce the partnership with EyeAuras and expand our community with very very great developers.

Hope we can make your holiday a little better and anyone who is wanting to be a marketplace seller they can make a listing and if it passes approval it will be listed, it is in the marketplace tab as we are developing this marketplace platform as part of a bigger project which is why we have been transitioning over from the self serve tab you will find many products have moved to the marketplace, if you do not see a My Items tab then you do not have marketplace seller access. To simplify this transition further we will only have the options for marketplace access in the self serve tab just to avoid confusion that you should be using the marketplace new serial key delivery system.

AIO Launcher keys are NOT purchased with credits, not all products are purchased with credits, mind you that the credit system is not a store of value nor a way to keep track of value -- there was issues raised by a merchant processor because of credits system, so we must disclaimer that bit that the credit system is primarily for the introduction of the automated d2r item delivery marketplace which uses the same credits system and are rolling out beta access slowly to serious d2r item shops and the like, Please do not hesitate to PM Me, I ate quite a few names around here that were not being constructive so do not mind me but I am open to all suggestions to provide the echelon above me with the suggestions, if you dispute please do not PM me to get around in attempt to balancing your check book or having a free meal because any product that has stopped working has been introduced a working product alternative at no extra cost to you so please contact me if you have this issue of confusion.

We abolished many AIO Launcher keys and made new ones so if you need a fresh one just pm me your username and product key you need.
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