

***How to Setup the Bot***

Rename rotationlab.exe to a name you prefer
Log in with your username, password, or serial key
During the first launch, you might be prompted to restart your PC for driver installation if needed.
Go to Settings -> Global Settings, find your WoW installation folder, and adjust the Game Locale if your game isn't in English.
Navigate to Profiles -> Online Repository and load the profile for your class/spec
For first-time profile users, set up your keybinds (see instructions below)
If it's your first time using the bot, relaunch WoW. If not, type /reload in-game.


*** How to Setup Keybinds***

You have two ways to set up keybinds after loading a profile:

Auto Bind (Easy):

- Go to Keybinds
- Toggle on "Auto bind skills, items, and macros in-game"
- Click "Bind Random Keys," then "Re-Apply Autobind"

Manual Bind (Flexible):

- Go to Keybinds
- Create necessary macros in-game (right-click on Macro to copy)
- Bind spells, items, and macros to the exact same bindings in-game.
Note: Do this only if you're loading a profile for the first time.


***Common In-Game Toggles***

AOE: Enable to cast AOE spells automatically against multiple enemies
Burst: Activate for cooldowns > 2 minutes CD (bot uses CDs with Bloodlust/Time Warp)
Interrupt: Bot uses silence spells when the enemy is casting


*** Troubleshooting Steps***

Try /reload in-game to ensure the addon is loaded (look for in-game toggle menu)
Match keybinds if not using auto-bind
Test if the keys set in the bot trigger the spells correctly
Ensure no addons, Discord, nVidia, or overlays cover the in-game pixel (top left corner)
Disable all addons except the bot addon in-game
If not working in windowed mode, try fullscreen
Disable one monitor if running dual monitors
PM for further assistance, including Logs, keybinds, and in-game screenshots



Create macros for toggle menus (pause/aoe/xxx) using /adddonname 1 and /addonname 2, etc.
To make rotations work on training dummies, turn on attack target not in combat in settings. Note that AOE spells won't work on dummies.