

In reply to Gilwithcopium: [But it's part of the reason my first release of my Era Alliance profile won't (officially) support hunters, rogues or warlocks]

it's something i skipped on mine for now. only added hunter quest, will do the other down the line
Warlock seems the easiest to implement. Just buy the item at the correct level.

Hunter is annoying needing to tame other pets, use them in battle to learn the skills then open a second interface to teach the skills to new pet.

Then rogue poisons in era require leveling a whole tradeskill. Far too much work


New member
I'm all of a sudden getting an addon error, "invalid number passed to 'Encoder.IntToBits'.
I have looked at previous topics on this error and they are related to the language?
Bot was working fine on my rogue, but as soon as I did the quest to get posions I started getting the error


New member
In reply to pacokeks: [Is your wow set to English?]

I also reinstalled the addon and still getting the same error


New member
I just checked the bot on another character, and it works fine, just not the rogue after learning poisons.


New member
In reply to Gilwithcopium: [Must be Lua related then]

I'm not too familiar with troubleshooting, but i'll try and remove poisons from bag and see how it responds