

In reply to BaseSecurity: [Having the same issue.. I belive there are many bugs in the bot.. trying to gather herbs.. stupid bot just yolo on 1 spot in wetlands and starts farming raptors instead of herbs. but this is on multiple spots like that]

for that stuff you can disable fighting altogether


New member
In reply to Neuroxium: [How about you read <#965894217941532683> and you would know what to do for "starts farming raptors instead of herbs."]

yeah Ive figured it out, but seems that some routes he just want to run whatever it cost through a specific are, and is getting clapped because of a 3-4 mob spawn on the path, and when i try to blacklist the area it ignore it. but it might be me, not understanding some settings maby. but its hella confusing when it happens


dont know how the internals work but maybe raycast 200 degrees and do pullrange check then go towards the best calculated value?


phase 1 flee
phase 2 raycast 30 meters out, every ray will get a mob closeness score with 100% pull range being 1 or 100 or something
phase 3 select lowest score direction and walk 10 meters
goto phase 2 until reset