

Active member
[Script Update]

-> it does now loot items directly to cube if cube is in your inventory and the desired item wont fit into your inventory
-> to make sure you dont miss the items in cube i added a 2drender on top of your player which tells you the amount of items available in your cube

-> you can now set up to only use full rejuvs or both as automatic belt refill


Active member

- pushed a new BNETAutoLogin.exe to server
-> you can get it via dbot command **!getbnetlauncher**

-> launcher does now stop after acc pw enter and the btn press in case account validation will pop up to not lock up ur account


Active member
[Script Update]

- does now save and load last selected profile based on the current charname


Active member
[Engine Update]

- added reconnect logic
-> 3 reconnect tries every 5 secs after dropped connection to server
-> if it fails after these 3 tries it will kill the engine
-> this means there is some always-online requirement now which we need for future updates to work properly


Active member
[Script Update]

- added new cast conditions
-> PlayerStatCondition
-> you can set a player stat to check and the value to check for >= or <=


In reply to Collin


- Added <@173475831002300431>'s addition to the libs that sorts items in preprocessed item lists by name, making them appear sorted in all scripts using these lists


New member
[Script Update]

* Added all super uniques to the list of available teleports. This includes things like Rakinushu, Treefist, and so much more.
* Added Worldstone Keep Throne teleport. Places you in the bottom right corner (usually safest place at throne) Should be able to combine this with FastTP for Baal Hosting 🙂


New member
(Not going to ping again so soon)
[Script Update]

* Added the Diablo Spawn teleport location. Teleports you to the center of the star.


New member
[Script Update]

**Auto Combat**
* Target Config
-> New Checkbox `Prioritize Revivers` - When activated this will target shamen and unravelers first if they have line of sight.


New member
[Script Update]

* This script has been marked as **obsolete** - More on this below

* This script replaces AutoTele. AutoMovement is basically a clone of AutoTele however also supports walking to destinations. It will use teleport when available, and walk when not.
**NOTE** - At this time opening doors is fairly buggy. Working on this now 🙂


New member
[Script Update]

* When using AutoMovement without Teleport (Walking/Running) it will now open doors, if they are closed, when nearby. Movement with walking is still a bit quirky but working on it.


New member
[Script Update]

There was a bug that prevented the config from loading correctly. This has been resolved.


New member
[Script Update]

* You can now debug log dropped, picked, and stashed items. I'd like to move these to a "LootLog.log" file in the future but will need to look into how do this. Figured I'd at least put this out there so you can search the infinity logs themselves for the time being.