

Active member
[Engine Update]

- fixed a broken offset in SkillBin which is related to summon skill definitions


New member
[Script Update]

* Locations are now ordered in alphabetical order. This means they should stay in the same order each map, instead of being the closest first.


New member
[Script Update]

* Left skill and right skill options location has moved and are now visible when Self Cast is enabled as these are still relevant for selecting the skill.



[Engine Update]
- Fixed an issue with Hotkeys not working
- Fixed an issue with UI Scaling and other configurations (from the top bar) not loading properly (did not affect settings on top)
- Fixed an issue with the navigation grid not properly eroding space around walls resulting in potential stucks in navigation logic
- Expanded Hotkey Manager available keys of hotkeys to cover everything we found. This includes simple stuff like differentiation between left and right control/shift, up to OEM keys, special keyboards, gamepads/controllers, and more.


Active member
[Engine / Script Update]


- fixed an issue which could cause items on the ground to be ignored after we rejoin the level


Active member
[Script Update]

- changed ItemStatEvals
-> renamed em and added few new
```{Key = 90001, Name = "[CUSTOM][RES] ALL RESISTANCE (EACH >=)"},
{Key = 90002, Name = "[CUSTOM][RES] ANY SINGLE RESISTANCE (EACH >=)"},
{Key = 90003, Name = "[CUSTOM][RES] ANY DOUBLE RESISTANCE (EACH >=)"},
{Key = 90004, Name = "[CUSTOM][RES] ANY TRIPLE RESISTANCE (EACH >=)"},
{Key = 90009, Name = "[CUSTOM][RES] L-RES F-RES C-RES P-RES >="},
{Key = 90005, Name = "[CUSTOM][BASE] STR >= AND DEX >="},
{Key = 90006, Name = "[CUSTOM][BASE] LIFE >= AND MANA >="},
{Key = 90007, Name = "[CUSTOM][BASE] STR DEX >="},
{Key = 90008, Name = "[CUSTOM][BASE] LIFE MANA >="},


Active member
[Engine Update]

- some changes to Navigator path-generation

[Script Update]
- some changes to the path post optimization


Active member
[Script Update]

- fixed an issue getting the cooldown right for skills with a local-delay like meteor, blizzard, frozen orb, ...


Active member
[Engine Update]

- added Neighboor Level and Transition caching
-> this does improve the performance a bit in some scripts, specially Radar

[Script Update]

- adjusted code to work with new engine build


Active member
[Engine Update]

- added a required new lua api bind which is required by FastMod script

[Script Update]

- you can now "hack" the ias and/or fcr of your merc
-> your merc does need atleast one item which grants ias/fcr to be able to pump it up
-> just tested this a bit, it does look like he attacks faster but if it does rly boost anything or rly work you need to test and give some feedback


Active member
[Engine Update]

- Unit::isDeadBody() does now proper ignore dead bodies with state FREEZE and SHATTER