Customer General Chat


In reply to Tylor: [consoleport and RL together is so relaxing lol]

Agreed! Been doing this for a long time leveling


In reply to Tylor: [Seriously so fun lol. I’ve been having a blast on Warr and DK with it. Basically anything that isn’t raid level I’m using it now. What classes have you had fun using it with?]

Leveling Via Dungeons as a Healer with consoleport ☺️


New member
In reply to KxE

will we have support for classic SoD as well? <@495806414887845898> <@977335778130686012>


New member
In reply to KxE: [Leveling Via Dungeons as a Healer with consoleport ☺️]

ooooo what heals do you tend to have the most fun on? was thinking of making a healer to help friends gear up in heroics


New member
I just want something fun with RL because I don't plan on raiding with the heals just doin up to gammas to help guildies gear. I was thinking shammy might be good for heroism/lust 😛