D2rb cloud memory bot changelog


New member
[Script Update]
- The following areas have been added
* Canyon of the Magi
* All of the Tal Rasha Tombs (No Duriel handler at this time)


New member
[Script Update]

**Auto Combat**
* Target Config
-> New Checkbox Prioritize Revivers - When activated this will target shamen and unravelers first if they have line of sight.

* Target Config
-> New Checkbox Prioritize Revivers - When activated this will target shamen and unravelers first if they have line of sight.


New member
[Script Update]

* Added Sewers Level 2 and Level 3 Handlers. This includes Radament.
Level 1 will take some extra handling that we will add later.


Active member
[Script Update]

- added option to enable/disable key/keystack maintain
-> if disabled it wont try to restock keys during townrun, but the bot also wont have keys to open locked chests, keep this in mind

- current LevelHandler profile will be reloaded OnGameLeft
-> this does fix the bug if u disabled combat in a handler but selected a superunique kill LevelTarget
-> in this case it does enable combat if it tries to kill the superunique and disables it once done, but when u chicken and make new game while killing it combat stayed enabled in next game
-> the changes i pushed does fix this


Active member
[ENgine Update]

- equipped Sunder Charms do now properly skip the immunity check for units


New member
[Script Update]

* Kuraust Causeway Level Handler now exists. This allows you to go Upper Kurast -> Kurast Causeway -> Travanical

<a:alert:845580291123970050> **This level handler is enabled by default like all the others - This means your existing profiles will have this enabled as it's net-new. You will need to disable it for your level handler profiles** <a:alert:845580291123970050>


Active member
[Script Update]

- added T Zone stuff for LevelHandler_UpperKurast
-> which is required if Sewers are t zoned


Active member
[Script Update]

- changed "Death Count" to "Deaths"
- added "Timeouts" which will show a count of how many times the bot made a new game due to 30 sec stuck timeout
- changed chaos levelhandler and optimized the leveltargets to fix seis bug

pls double check your chaos levelhandlers and check if the leveltargets are allright and enabled


Active member
[Engine / Script Update]


- fixed an issue which could cause items on the ground to be ignored after we rejoin the level


- State_ToTown will now exit the game and init a new game if we run out of tp scrolls in a level
- fixed some issue in State_Loot
- TownRunModule_RestockKeys does now dont try to restock keys if we dont even have a key stack in inventory
- LevelTarget_ToTown will now be delayed if there are still items on the ground in the current level which we want to loot


Active member
[Script Update]

- added ProfileManager to save/load different settings profiles
-> also works char name specific like the others

- added ProfileManager to save/load different settings profiles
-> also works char name specific like the others
- some adjusts to move, attack and looting
-> it does now set MoveTypes for every move we make so we can check what the previous MoveType was on a specific action
-> it does now cache a specific position with a radius of 40 tiles to grab monsters from we want to attack
--> this pos is set whenever we stop from MoveType.Explore and switch to MoveType.Attack
--> it is reset whenever we stop with attacking
--> this does prevent the bot from move too far away from our original path due to perma attacks cause of units in range
-> it does now prio looting first before we continue to explore
--> this with some other internal changes will reduce the chance that we miss items on the ground when we leave game to like lets say 1% (stuck timeouts or deaths will ofc skip loot if there was any on the ground)



Active member
[Engine Update]

- adjusted teleport path generation for gap skips
-> this does fix the issue in some arcane sanctuary layouts finding a path to the summoner

[Script Update]

- ToTown State does now use the alrdy opened townportal nearby instead of opening a new one if we are not in interaction range