[Discontinued] Free WoW JS Fish Bot Auto Releases

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**AutoFish 1.14.3 Public**:

- Key assigning fixes (function and special keys didn't work before)

Download: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/goblindevelopment

**AutoFish 1.17.1 Premium**:

- You will get screenshots from all the windows via Telegram when using **screenshot **command now. (multiple windows)
- Now you can choose which window whisper/reply to when using the bot via Telegram. (multiple windows)
- Whisper detection works for all the windows now. The bot will specify which window whisper was detected in. (multiple windows)
- Key assigning fixes (function and special keys didn't work before).
- Small Profile and Telegram logic fixes.

Additional info:
Use /w *win_number* *user* *message* or /r *win_number* *user* *message* if you want to whisper/reply when using Multiple Windows mode. If you use only one window you can use former pattern: /w *user* *message*.

Download: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/goblindevelopment/e/96734 (If you already have a Premium version and want an update, dm me.)


**AutoFish 1.14.4 Public:**

- Added: **Bobber density** option.
- Fixed: bot crushed if a pop-up window appeared in the Fishing Zone.
- Fixed: sensitivity and density values wasn't used properly with the **check** feature of the Fishing Zone.

Download: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/goblindevelopment


**AutoFish 1.18.0 Premium:**

- Added: **Sound Detection** *(experimental)*.
- Added: **Press Enter **button for Telegram (for reconnection).
- Fixed: bot crushed if a pop-up window appeared in the Fishing Zone.
- Fixed: sensitivity and density values wasn't used properly with the Check feature of the Fishing Zone.

**Additional info:**

Good news for people struggling with Threshold and Fishing Zone: with both Int. Key and Sound Detection turned on you are now completely independent from pixel recognition logic. If you don't use Int. key or the game doesn't support it, the bot still needs to find a bobber first but checking will be done by sound recognition if you turn on Sound Detection option.

Before using sound detection turn off Music and Ambient Sounds in the game, leave only Sound Effects. Your volume should be at normal/default level. Try to find a place secluded from the sounds made by other players to avoid false detections.

You can also use AFK Fishing Mode in DX12 now, with Int.Key Sound Detection the bot will focus the window only when it needs to cast and when it detects splash sound (turn on Sound in Background for that).

Download: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/goblindevelopment/e/96734 *(If you already have Premium and want this update, dm me.)*


**AutoFish Public 1.14.5: **

- Fixed: bobber checking logic for Dragonflight.
- Fixed: sensitivity logic for Dragonflight.

**AutoFish 1.18.2 Premium:**

- Added: option what to do after **max checking time** value elapses: recast or stop.
- Fixed: bobber checking logic for Dragonflight.
- Fixed: sensitivity logic for Dragonflight.

__Download__: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/goblindevelopment/e/96734 (If you already have Premium and want this update, dm me.)


**AutoFish Public 1.14.6:**

Added: option what to do after** max checking time** value elapses: recast or stop.
Fixed: decreased default sensitivity for Dragonflight and small UI fixes.

__Download__: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/goblindevelopment


**AutoFish Public 1.15.0:**

- Added: Dynamic Threshold - if turned on, the bot will dynamically decrease threshold for the provided value after the provided number of failed attempts.
- Added: Higher resolutions support.
- Fixed: Auto detection of scale factor of the OS.

__Download__: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/goblindevelopment


**AutoFish 1.19.0 Premium:**

- Added: /th command for telegram - you can change threshold value remotely now.
- Added: Dynamic Threshold - if turned on, the bot will dynamically decrease threshold for the provided value after the provided number of failed attempts.
- Fixed: Auto detection of scale factor of the OS.
- Fixed: Small UI fixes.

__Download__: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/goblindevelopment/e/96734


**AutoFish Premium 2.0.0 Beta Release:**

Post on buymeacoffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/goblindevelopment/autofish-2-0-0-beta-release

The main goal for 2.0.0 was to make the bot easier to use, so the whole pixel recognition logic was rewritten and improved to make the bot find the feathers without expecting a Threshold value from the user.

With the new way of looking for the bobber the bot should work at night in dark and non-standard places now. It should also recognize bobber better even if there's other reddish/bluish elements (less reddish/bluish than the feathers) in the Fishing Zone. In some rare cases you can still rely on sound detection. Video Test:

The same goes for so called "Density" and "Sensitivity" values. They are fully automated now *(so you don't need a degree in computer science anymore to figure out how they work)*. The color of the feather is automated too, the bot will choose the color in relation to the background, but you still can set an initial color even if Auto mode is on.

Amongst other major updates is Arduino Board support: now you can connect an Arduino device, upload a sketch from GitHub to the device and the bot will utilize it to emulate mouse and keyboard in 100% hardware way. You don't need an original device for that, any Chinese copies for 2$ will do as well. Video Test:

There's also a feature that will make your bot make some movements and change your camera view from time to time. Choose your place wisely and test it before leaving the bot for a long time. The bot should balance itself from time to time *so that it doesn't run away and tell Blizzard that you use bots*. Video Test:

If you use the bot with Multiple Windows feature Auto Mode will work for every window separately, so it should solve the issue when you have different zones for different windows.


Minor Improvements and Fixes:
- Added Hearthstone support.
- The bot can shutdown your computer after timer now (nothing fancy here, the bot will bluntly press your Windows Key, launch Command Line and write shutdown -s -t 10 command that will make your machine to shut down in 10 seconds).
- Removed some features that made the bot much slower (might help if you use the bot on VMs)
- The bot can hide the window, it won't be visible at all (you won't be able to focus it) so you can bring it back only by stopping the bot with stop key.
- Fixed annoying issue when the bot used mouse/keyboard even after being stopped.
- The bot can quit if someone whispers now.
- Settings section can be folded now if you didn't like the bot being so tall and handsome (as requested by VMs users).

This is beta release, so you are probably bound to run into an issue so mind it before leaving the bot for a long time away from keyboard. If you want to help with the feedback, record a video of your issue and DM it to me.

Auto modes and Minor Improvements will be moved to Public version later.

__Download__: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/goblindevelopment (if you already have Premium dm me for this update)


**AutoFish Public 2.0.0 Beta Release:**

Full description read above.

- Added Auto Threshold feature
- Added Auto Sensitivity and Density feature
- Added Hearthstone support
- The bot can shutdown your computer after timer now
- Removed some features that made the bot much slower (might help if you use the bot on VMs)
- Fixed an issue when the bot used mouse/keyboard even after being stopped.
- Many other small fixes and improvements.

__Download__: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/goblindevelopment


**AutoFish Public/Premium 2.1.0 Beta Release:**

- Fixed an old bug where the bot didn't recognize notification and error messages. Now it should detect them properly when it misses, even on ultrawide monitors.
- Added an option for highlighting; you can choose the percentage of how often you want the bot to highlight the bobber.
- Fixed a bug where the bot was confusing a disappearing bobber for a newly thrown one in older versions of the game. This could have made the bot click on the disappearing - bobbers one after another.
- Improved sensitivity logic, which should solve issues when the bot missed too much.

__Download Public__: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/goblindevelopment
__Download Premium__: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/goblindevelopment/e/96734 (if you already have Premium dm me for this update)


**AutoFish Public 2.2.0 Release:** (only Public for now, Premium updates will be available within a week)

- Added Fine Tune logic, which will make short mouse movements when the bot reaches target coordinates (should improve heuristics).
- The bot will give a warning when an unsupported key is assigned.
- Changed settings for mouse speed, deviation and highlighting to range-type for easier tweaking.
- Added fold/unfold button for Settings section.
- Various minor bug fixes and improvements.

__Download__: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/goblindevelopment


**AutoFish Public 2.2.1:**

- Implemented QHD (Quad HD) support for the Filter feature.
- Resolved several Vanilla (splash) issues related to the Filter feature.
- Fixed display problems specifically for Ultrawide monitors in the Filter feature. (haven't tested it properly, would be grateful for feedback from ultrawide monitor - users)
- "FineTune" feature will now work for every mouse movement including movements when bot filters loot.
- Made various minor patches to improve UI and functionality.

**AutoFish Premium 2.3.0:**

- All the updates from 2.2.0 and 2.2.1 of Public version moved to Premium one too.
- Added a new Arduino logic with a new sketch: https://discord.com/channels/1006827456931569735/1008332353720041482/1127854807475048469.
- You can also turn off character movement in Random Movement feature now , the bot will use only camera without moving your character.

*I know about issues related to Multiple Windows and AFK Fishing modes not working properly on Windows 11 and I'm working on it.*

Download: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/goblindevelopment


**AutoFish Public 2.2.5: **

- Fixed the bug when the bot didn't close the loot window properly sometimes.
- Fixed the bug when the bot didn't apply lures properly sometimes because of the bug above.
- Fixed the bug when "fine-tuning" feature moved the cursor outside "close" button of the loot window sometimes.
- Small text, hints, names fixes.

- You can now omit initial application of lures.
- You can assign different mouse button for catching.

- Updated tesseract.js to 5.0.2
- Updated nut.js to 3.2.1

__Download:__ https://www.buymeacoffee.com/goblindevelopment

**AutoFish Premium 2.4.0:**

- **All the updates from Public version**.
- **Additional Actions** feature. You can assign as many additional actions as you wish. They will be repeated at the provided interval, for the provided delay and with the provided key.
- **Motion Detection**. You can use a new Detection Zone to check for any motion detection. The bot will notify you via Telegram and send a screenshot of the detected changes. Should help against griefing and some unusual events around your bot. Code is a little bit raw and unstable yet, but some tests were pretty successful. Will improve it in the next updates adding an option for the bot to go to sleep when an event occurs.

__Download: __ https://discord.com/channels/1006827456931569735/1164600517276729365 or https://www.buymeacoffee.com/goblindevelopment/e/96734


Like what I do? Buy me a coffee on buymeacoffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/goblindevelopment


Quick hotfix for **Public\Premium 2.2.6\2.4.1 **respectively, the bug was in Filter feature for any game except Retail when the bot opened the loot window and did nothing.


**AutoFish Public 2.2.7:**

- Improvement: Added option "Vision Library" to switch between nut.js and keysender.
- Fix: The bot will properly cancel all current inputs when you stop it now (was annyoing, i know).
- Fix: Brought the bot back to nut.js 2.3.0.
- Fix: Small fixes to UI: hints, text, links.

__Download__: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/goblindevelopment

**AutoFish Premium 2.4.2:**

- All the fixes and improvements from Public version.
- Fix: Fixed Motion Detection bug when instead of 1 screenshot the bot made 2.

__Download__: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/goblindevelopment/e/96734 / https://discord.com/channels/1006827456931569735/1164600517276729365


**AutoFish Premium 2.6.0:**

- Fix: Cache folder now will be generated in the folder of the bot itself.
- Fix: The bot should detect and log its own missclicks properly now.
- Fix: Fixed the issue when the bot opened Menu window on private servers during filtering.
- Fix: The bot should be able to use mouse to close window on private servers now.
- Fix: Auto Color feature is optional now (might have caused decreasing performance).
- Fix: Converted some options to seconds instead of miliseconds.
- Fix: Sometimes bot didn't recognize the first item in the loot window on Retail.
- Fix: Changed checkTime default value to 0 for TurtleWoW.
- Fix: Uninstall icon.

- Improvement: **Fatigue **Feature. The bot will gradually decrease the speed, delays, curvature etc. to simulate player's fatigue. You can configure the rate and random interval of decreasing.
- Improvement: Added likelihood option to Random Sleep and Sleep After Catch.
- Improvement: Added "Sleep After" delay for Mount Selling feature to wait until traders disappear before casting again.
- Improvement: Added "recast" value for Close Loot With option. The bot will simply recast instead of closing loot window and should work faster in Filter mode this way.
- Improvement: Added delay value for Miss On Purpuse option, now you can change it to 0 to ensure missclicking.
- Improvement: Interactive key is available for Classic and LK Classic now. (It doesn't work properly in the game itself, so wait until it's fixed by the developers of the game).
- Improvement: Small heuristic improvements in different features.

*Hint: you can set Loot Window Closing Delay to 0 if you use Fishing Buddy addon with AutoLoot on. The bot will fish faster. *

__Download__: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/goblindevelopment/e/96734 / ⁠⁠⁠https://discord.com/channels/1006827456931569735/1164600517276729365
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