[Discontinued] Free WoW JS Fish Bot Auto Releases

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**AutoFish Public 2.4.0:**

- Fix: Cache folder will be generated in the folder of the bot itself now.
- Fix: The bot should detect and log its own missclicks properly now.
- Fix: Fixed the issue when the bot opened Menu window on private servers during filtering.
- Fix: The bot should be able to use mouse to close window on private servers now.
- Fix: Auto Color feature is optional now (might have caused decreasing performance).
- Fix: Converted some options to seconds instead of miliseconds.
- Fix: Sometimes bot didn't recognize the first item in the loot window on Retail.
- Fix: Changed checkTime default value to 0 for TurtleWoW.
- Fix: Uninstall icon.

- Improvement: Added delay value for Miss On Purpuse option, now you can change it to 0 to ensure missclicking.
- Improvement: Added "recast" value for Close Loot With option. The bot will simply recast instead of closing loot window and should work faster in Filter mode this way.
- Improvement: Interactive key is available for Classic and LK Classic now. (It doesn't work properly in the game itself, so wait until it's fixed by the developers of the game).

__Download__: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/goblindevelopment


**AutoFish Premium 2.7.0 / Public 2.5.0:**

- Added a new algorithm for mouse movement, now it follows Fitt's Law and should look more human-like: the speed, though still random, will be relative to the distance to the target. The speed will also gradually decrease at the end instead of stopping abruptly. You can switch to the previous algorithm in the Advanced Settings.
- Fixed slow mouse movement issue for some users.
- Fixed 2K and 4K loot window dimensions used by Filter in Retail, Classic and Classic LK.
- Now you can use a macro in Logout/Login feature instead of the bot typing /logout in the chat.
- Increased default cast delay value for Classic (should increase efficiency for fishing at night)
- Now you can use a macro in Mount Selling feature instead of the bot typing /target trader_name in the chat.
- Fixed some bugs in Random Movement feature.

__Download__: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/goblindevelopment/e/96734 / ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠https://discord.com/channels/1006827456931569735/1164600517276729365
__Download__: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/goblindevelopment
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