Non-sub ban reports


24/7 as in they're running as much as possible. Only stopping for muling, clone walking and eventual internet/energy problems


Ran 23accs from ladder launch to gids doomsday (lost 3 other accs that I only used for like 20mins while testing the bot lol), 10accs from Oct 11 to Oct. 17, 20 accs from Oct 17 to Dec. 11 and 10 accs until tomorrow.


yeah i said gids because it was what i was using, but afaik other bots got banned the same day. was like oct 9-10 (dont remember exactly) and i lost every single acc that touched gid, even for a few mins


they found a way back then and banned everyone, so gid went back to the drawing board and fixed the issue. they might do it again in the future sure , but the same can be said about any public or semi-private bot (all the major bots that are not full private experienced at least one big banwave afaik) so there is no reason for us to be more worried than the usual (if you bot you can and probably will be banned, eventually)