

Active member
Everyone who shares NoRotation .json files here is much appreciated to help building our community! Works only using NoRo (yellow minimap button)!


New member
Hi all, here is my level 58 DK custom rotation. I recommend you use glyph of death grip for maximum efficiency between mobs. as you get higher and unlock more DK moves, you may wish to add them into the rotation 🙂


New member
Hi all, another rotation to share. This one is for a 60 prot warrior. Requires defensive stance and specific talent tree, and axe weapon. It is a very strong build - lots of youtubers have done videos on it. The more avoidance you have, the stronger this rotation is. Ideally - I would like to include stance dancing so he pulls with charge then toggles to defensive stance (at the moment, he will run into the mob to pull). You should aim to use this on a profile where bot will be fighting 2-3 mobs every pull, it can work with 1 mob fights, but isn't as overpowered 🙂


New member
Hi all, for those asking how you load rotations. You need to turn no rotations on in the bot settings. This then creates a folder in your baneto folder called norotations. You need move the .Json file into the folder and then /reload


New member
Hey y'all,
Below you can find my first NoRotation for Retail Blood Death Knight. Talents used 1221212
It is a mix between single target and aoe ( min 3 target) and has a lot of defensive cooldowns implemented. It is great for mass aoe grinding also rare farming. I have implemented the 2 covenant abilities for Necrolords, but you can change it depending which covenant are you playing.
My character is only 50 so i could not tried it in a solo dungeon yet.
Keep in mind that retail class rotations are ,,little bit" more complicated than classic, also in norotation i could not use all the spells available. So take it with a grain of salt.
Ahh yes and i have never played blood dk in my life, so the rotation is constructed according to icy-veins,google etc.


New member
Retail Vengeance Demon Hunter NoRotation - Talent used 2233221 - great aoe dps / survibility - Covenant Kyrian spells implemented
Updated Retail Blood DK - Talent used 1221122 - strong aoe dps/survibility - great for grinding/rare farm Covenant Necrolord spells implemented

*remember Bot Settings -> General -> activate Disable Combat Routine


New member
Retail Protection Warrior - Talent Used 3221231 - great for grinding ( aoe survibility) - could pull 10 mobs with gear,without any problems. 17 spells added. Note: NoRo UI can show up until 13 spells, I have added manually to the rotation file : Victory Rush,Pummel,Shockweave,Rallying Cry these will be also casted, but are not visible on NoRo UI


New member
Retail Protection Paladin Rotation - Talent used 1111122 - great for grinding ( aoe dps / survibility) - 18 spells added. Note: NoRo UI can show up until 13 spells, I have added manually to the rotation file : Flash of Light,Rebuke, Hammer of Justice,Blessing of Protection ,Divine Shield, these will be also casted, but are not visible on NoRo UI


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Retail Elemental Shaman Rotation with Night Fae ability - Talent used 1131122 - AOE Build for Grinding - 19 Spell added - 6 manually


New member
Wotlk pre-patch PvP Elemental Shaman - focussing on instant casts and healing when on low life.
- Make sure to enable Chain Lightning in the Baneto class settings or else your character will keep trying to fight in melee range.
- Take the following talents: Elemental Reach, Elemental Mastery, Thunderstorm.
- If you're not wearing PvP Gloves, lower the Spell Range of your Shock Spells in the norotation. (Or just simply get the PvP-Gloves 😉 )
- I'm a Tauren with Herbalism. If you're not, delete the "Spell ID" of Lifebloom and War Stomp. (it might actually work without changing when playing another race. Can't test it though)
- If you feel you are casting Shields too much you can remove that "Spell ID" too.
- You can swap the Water Shield for Lightning Shield by changing the "Spell ID" and "Buff on Player".